Call for Applications: DAAD One-Year Research Grant for PhD Students

nov. 3, 2022

Catégories: , , , , ,

German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) offers a One-Year Research Grant to PhD students needing to go to Germany in order to conduct dissertation-related research.

This grant supports stays in Germany of anywhere between 7 and 12 months in length and is open to PhD students, and in exceptional cases Master’s students, working in any field of study.

The next deadline for submissions to this program is: November 3, 2023.

Full details on this grant, including how to apply, can be found online by clicking here.

Photo: Huettermann/DAAD


Office allemand d’échanges universitaires (DAAD)

DAAD est le plus grand organisme mondial de financement d’échanges universitaires, soutenant près de 120 000 étudiants chaque année. Nous promouvons l’internationalisation des universités allemandes et offrons des occasions de financement aux universitaires dans tous les domaines et à tous les niveaux.1